With his new push-toy that is. How flippin' cute is this?!
My Photography Blog
This blog covers the topics Attachment Parenting, Babywearing, Breastfeeding, Delayed and Selective Vaccination, Cloth Diapering, and Co-sleeping.
With his new push-toy that is. How flippin' cute is this?!
Very Cute!!! He's getting so grown up!
What a cutie. We have one of those things too and our youngest (10 months) is already up on his feet. He can't handle all of it yet, but he'll get there :-)
Surfed onto your site from the Baby K'tan website....your site looks amazing. Love the video! My son's name is Braden too! (same spelling, natch!) He's only a month old.
I'll be back to look around your site more...after I catch some more zzzzz's. :)
What a proud moment! I am also an attachment parent, breastfeed, and co-sleep and write about it on my blog. Check it out, I hope you like it! I love your blog design. I'm glad I found you!
How cute! Walkers are definately the fastest way to get them mobile! :-)
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