Organic products for babies and their mothers



I ordered a Babyhawk, woot woot! I'm so excited to get this thing in the mail I think it's going to be gorgeous. Here's the patterns I ordered. The caramel border is the strap color and the carrier is reversible with Surf & Sand paisley on one side and Owl Paisley Pink on the other. Yes I'm planning ahead in-case I ever have a little girl :)

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My Attachment Parenting Blog


Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog through my Google blog alerts. You have some great information here! I love that you're putting it all out there on the web. :)

Stop by my way any time.

Anonymous said...

nice. your bh is beautiful! i was so jazzed when i got mine too! but i bought mine used from tbw fsot. so i didn't get to pick out my fabrics.

(although now i make diy scandis and pods, so my bh isnt getting as much love.) ;-)

Lindsy Floyd said...

I have a babyhawk too and love it! I found your blog through linkreferral and love it!